Helpful How-To #1: Mini Cube Boxes

Long before my days here, I had ordered a product similar to our Mini Cube Boxes for an event.  Keep in mind, I hadn’t actually been the one who placed the order: my mom did that for me.  So when these boxes arrived, I was surprised to see that they weren’t…well, boxes.  Instead, they were pieces of what looked like colorful cardboard and I had to put them together using directions that were pretty vague, at best.  Let’s just say that my very first box (we’ll call it an experiment) was a teeny bit beat up by the time I got it right.  It was okay, though, because I had about 99 of them left to practice on.  That may sound like a party-planning nightmare, but I was actually enjoying myself.  I love figuring out how pieces fit together (puzzle party, anyone??), and I love the feeling of accomplishment I get when I’m finally holding the finished product in my hands.   However, there have been times where I just want clear instructions on how to get something done so I can move on to the next task.

Any event, big or small, is ultimately a long list of things to plan and organize.  Even if you’re like me and enjoy tinkering around with pieces to put together, you may have other things that are a bigger priority.  Yes, I would love to come help you plan any party of your dreams.   Unfortunately, I can’t.  What I can do is help you out with your favors.  Presenting the first of many photo tutorials I have created for some of our “assembly required” items:

mini cube boxes

mini cube boxes

mini cube boxes

mini cube boxes

mini cube boxes

mini cube boxes